
temporary residency in costa rica 

There are three qualifying options to obtain temporary residency in Costa Rica.

  • Rentista visa with an income of $2.5K USD per month
  • Pensionado visa with a pension of $1000 USD per month
  • Investor visa with an investment of $150K USD or more in the country

Depending on the option that is best suited for you, there are various documents the government will need in order for the application to be approved. 

Costa Rica residency currently takes around 10 months to process, however once your application has been submitted to the government, you can legally stay in the country until your residency is approved. 

Costa Rica is a territorial tax system, where income earned outside of the country is not subject to tax by the local government. 

Additional services offered:
  • Tax ID
  • Monthly tax filing 
  • Drivers license
  • Apartment rental 
  • House purchase via our real estate team
  • Bank account setup for residents or non-residents

the top 5 easiest residency programs in 2024 

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