The latest news on global optimization... from residencies, citizenships, global banking & taxes.


Tax havens in Europe have become increasingly popular among individuals seeking to optimize their tax liabilities and enjoy a higher standard of living. Particularly in Europe, several countries offer favorable tax regimes, attracting high-net-worth individuals, entrepreneurs, and expats looking for financial and lifestyle benefits. What is a Tax Haven? A tax haven is a jurisdiction […]

Opening a Bank Account in the Country of Georgia

Georgia is one of the most digital nomad-friendly countries I’ve visited. Did you know that as a digital nomad, you can visit Georgia for one year completely visa-free, for up to 95 different countries around the world? You can also open a bank account in the country of Georgia quite easily as a non-resident. In […]

Ultimate Guide to Obtaining Residency in Paraguay in 2024

This is the ultimate guide to obtaining a residency in the country of Paraguay for digital nomads. Before we dive into this guide for how you can get residency and optimize your tax situation in this country, I do want to note that this was a process I personally did myself in Paraguay. While this […]

Disadvantages of Being a Digital Nomad

Being a digital nomad sounds like nothing but good news: the freedom to work from anywhere in the world, flexible schedules, and the opportunity to explore new places. In many ways, it’s a dream come true for those who have been bitten by the travel bug. However, just like any other lifestyle, being a digital […]

Ultimate Guide to Medellin, Colombia (2024)

Medellin, Colombia is one of the most vibrant and dynamic cities in Colombia. It has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years, going from one of the most dangerous cities in Colombia to a hub of art, culture, and innovation. This is your ultimate guide to Medellin Colombia – I will showcase the best things […]

Why Free Walking Tours are the Best Travel Activity

Are you a digital nomad or a traveller? Are you looking to explore a new city at your next destination? This is the ultimate walking tour guide for free walking tours, and why free walking tours are the best travel activity. I’m Nicole, a full-time digital nomad, world traveller, and online business owner. Over the […]

The Best VPNs for Travellers and Digital Nomads

Are you a traveller or a digital nomad seeking to keep your online browsing private while travelling the world? If that sounds like you, there’s an easy fix… using a VPN. In this article, we will discuss what is a VPN, how can it be used from anywhere in the world to ensure your safety […]


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