The latest news on global optimization... from residencies, citizenships, global banking & taxes.


Tax havens in Europe have become increasingly popular among individuals seeking to optimize their tax liabilities and enjoy a higher standard of living. Particularly in Europe, several countries offer favorable tax regimes, attracting high-net-worth individuals, entrepreneurs, and expats looking for financial and lifestyle benefits. What is a Tax Haven? A tax haven is a jurisdiction […]

Moving to Italy as a Digital Nomad: A Comprehensive Guide to Italy’s Nomad Visa & Taxes

Moving to a foreign country can be daunting, especially when it comes to navigating through legal and tax systems. Italy, a dream destination for many digital nomads and travelers, is no exception. In this podcast episode, Nico guides you through what is needed to obtain the Italy nomad visa for any digital nomad, and how […]

An Interview with Frugal Friends Co-Host Jill Sirianni on Travel Finance

A Peek into Jill’s Journey Our journey begins with a warm welcome to our Work, Wealth, and Travel podcast guest, Jill Sirianni, of the Frugal Friends podcast, who prefers exploring multiple aspects of a person than sticking to a single facet. She comes from a background in social work and now explores the podcasting industry. […]


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