The latest news on global optimization... from residencies, citizenships, global banking & taxes.


Tax havens in Europe have become increasingly popular among individuals seeking to optimize their tax liabilities and enjoy a higher standard of living. Particularly in Europe, several countries offer favorable tax regimes, attracting high-net-worth individuals, entrepreneurs, and expats looking for financial and lifestyle benefits. What is a Tax Haven? A tax haven is a jurisdiction […]

Advantages of a Second Residency for Digital Nomads

Introduction In today’s increasingly digital world, the concept of being a digital nomad has gained significant traction. Digital nomads are those who have the freedom to work remotely, utilizing technology to perform their job duties from anywhere in the world. Today we will look at the advantages of obtaining a second residency for digital nomads. […]

Everything You Need To Know About Argentina’s Blue Dollar

In the world of finances, the term ‘Blue Dollar’ might raise a few eyebrows. Nevertheless, this unique aspect of the Argentine economy is central to understanding the nation’s financial dynamics. In this article, we dive deeper into the concept of the Blue Dollar, how it impacts Argentina’s economy, and further considerations for exchanges. Understanding the […]

The Best Fintech Banks for Digital Nomads

Colorful money

In today’s digital era, technology has revolutionized almost every aspect of our lives, including the way we manage our finances. Traditional banking methods are no longer the only option, especially for digital nomads – individuals who embrace a location-independent lifestyle and often travel while working remotely. Fintech, short for financial technology, has emerged as a […]

Tax Systems Around The World

While there are a few different tax systems around the world, most countries will fall under two of the most widely used tax systems, worldwide or territorial. Today, we are going to analyze these common tax systems and look at the details of when and how you may fall into that tax system.   Citizenship […]

Personal Finance for Digital Nomads

Personal finance for digital nomads is absolutely not a piece of cake. There are many unique lifestyles as digital nomads, meaning that it can be easy to get caught up in this “glamourous” lifestyle, and your bank account may just be the one to suffer. However, if you are wanting to become a digital nomad, […]

Ultimate Guide to the Best Digital Nomad Visas

Dreaming of becoming a digital nomad and working remotely anywhere you want? Well, now you can, with so many countries around the globe offering incredible digital nomad visas. This is your ultimate guide to the countries that offer digital nomad visas! Being a digital nomad has many benefits – travel, experiencing different cultures, and working […]


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Guide to ITIN for Non-American LLC Owners

Foreign Earned Income Exclusion and Foreign Tax Credit

Taxation Systems Around the World

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